
Building Stone


Northwestern is a combination of subtle tones, predominately green, blue and brown. Northwestern will add a unique character to any project.


If your property has a slope dotted with interesting or weathered rock formations, you have an ideal spot for a rock garden. If nature hasn’t provided you with the ideal location, all you need is a few loads of topsoil and some rocks. If you must bring in your own rocks and soil, start small. The job may be bigger than you think.

Rocks native to your area will look natural and will be the cheapest and easiest to obtain. Large rocks with irregular shapes look interesting in the rock garden, but keep in mind that you’ll need smaller rocks, too.


Available Base Colors: Gray/Brown/Red * Also available in thin veneer.  Thin Stone Veneers are only about 20% of the normal weight (about 12 -14 lbs/sf).