Protecto Wrap AFM #1
AFM Anti Fracture Membrane is made up of a tough fabric top with an aggressive rubberized adhesive that has the flexibility and strength to withstand structural movement and concrete shrinkage cracks up to 3/8″ without transferring the stress load to the finished tile topping. AFM is designed for thin-set tile applications. Installations requiring more than 3/8″ of thin-set mortar need to be raised with a self-leveling compound or a pre-mortar bed and allowed to cure prior to installation of AFM. Use latex modified thin-set mortar to install tile over AFM.

Hydraflex™ Waterproofing Crack Isolation Membrane
Ready-to-use, flexible, mold and mildew resistant waterproofing crack isolation membrane for interior and exterior applications. Forms a smooth, monolithic, watertight surface over walls, floors and ceilings. HydraFlex™ Membrane stops in-plane cracks up to 1/4″ (6 mm) wide at the subfloor from telegraphing through to ceramic and stone tile. For residential to extra heavy commercial applications.

Roll-On Crack Isolation Membrane
Ready-to-use, flexible, mold and mildew resistant crack isolation membrane. Forms a monolithic film over floors to stop in-plane cracks in the substrate up to 1/8″ (3mm) from transferring through the tile or stone. For residential to extra heavy commercial applications.

PROVA-FLEX® is a durable, lightweight tile underlayment that provides crack isolation protection on cement slabs and an easy-to-install, labor saving alternative to backer board on wood substrates. The PROVA-FLEX® unique design features an impermeable polypropylene sheet formed with a regular pattern of hollow studs to hold thinset mortar, sandwiched between a woven polypropylene netting on top and a polypropylene non-woven anchoring fabric that is laminated to the bottom with a polyolefin based adhesive (Shear Stress Control). The top netting ensures a superior mechanical bond with the cured thinset holding the tile to the PROVA-FLEX® (when compared to open dove-tailed designs), while the bottom fabric neutralizes stress caused by multi-directional lateral substrate movement thereby protecting the tiled surface

Waterproofing membrane for walls and floors. This easy-to-install membrane for tiled showers is fully waterproof and vapor tight. Use in wet areas such as: Showers, Bathrooms, Laundry rooms, Countertops.
FLEXIBLE – Crack bridging – decoupling
FAST SEALING – No wait time to install
WATERPROOF – Anti-Fracture Membrane